
Showing posts from January, 2018

A little book explains a vast religion: Hinduism:Path of Ancient Wisdom By Dr.Hiro Badlani

In an era of untrammelled attacks on traditional religious beliefs from a forceful Hindutva and Islam, Dr. Hiro Badlani has performed signal service to Hindu youth diaspora, in unraveling facets and percepts, as they evolved over millennia to our times. Today, the young generations of the substantial Indians scattered around the world do need a versatile introduction to the richness of their own religion: away from the old mumbo jumbo to an understanding of how its evolution over millennia allows adapting and synthesizing to a technological future, while abiding by ancient creeds of tolerance and kindness, and adapting to whichever corner of the globe they are in, to ensure the peace and harmony that made India a great nation. Dr. Badlani’s research reveals a wealth of information and archives of the most ancient religion, preserved not only all over India, but also institutions scattered at different foreign locales, that have preserved manuscripts, even some digital formats fro